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Build organisational knowledge, culture and systems to one step ahead in a changing environment.

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Build organisational knowledge, culture and systems to one step ahead in a changing environment.

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Strengthen the core functions of your organisation and harness the potential to create an environment of stability and innovation.

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Get in touch for practical information on registering your representation, networking with peer organisations, the UN and the donor community, or for interim senior management solutions.

An organisation is like a living organism: it is healthy and productive, when its roots, stem and branches grow in equilibrium.



The organisation’s fruits – projects, programmes and services – are at the core of attention inside the organisation and to the outside world. They are, after all, the purpose of the organisation. 

It is the roots, the stem and the branches, however, that determine, what kinds of fruit are produced for which ultimate purpose and in what way. When an organisation is struggling in delivering its activities, the reasons more often than not lay elsewhere than in the services or projects themselves.



Successful organisations have these things in common:

  • Clear strategies

  • Effective governance and leadership

  • Sound systems and processes

  • Equilibrium of resources

  • Strong networking and partnerships


We provide invaluable external expert perspective that 

helps our clients understand the hidden root causes  

for difficulties in delivering on their mission and identify 

activities to boost success.


“It’s one of the great chastening facts of working with systems that the part of a system that malfunctions is almost never the part in which you notice the malfunction.”


Edward Snowden,

Permanent Record.



We work with tailor-made approaches ensuring meaningful participation of all stakeholders. We use intercultural, creative and inspiring techniques and practical tools to bring out the best in everyone. With this we ensure, that potential dead-end situations or impeding power-structures are overcome for everyone to work together towards a common goal.


Develop Strategic Capacities

Build organisational strategies and systems to be one step ahead in a changing environment.

Build Effective Governance and Leadership

Strengthen the core functions of your organisation and create a stable and innovative working environment.

Tap into new Resource Opportunities

Harness the potential to maximise your resources and develop a long-term strategy for growing your funds.

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